Jan 4, 2011

The Way We Celebrate Our Eid: ePals

"The Way We Celebrate" is a new project on ePals website:

(What holidays or events do you celebrate in your country?
In your presentation, include:
Holidays or events that you celebrate in your country and
Tell us more about how you celebrate your favorite holiday or event. Are there special foods that you eat? Are there special games that you play? Do you have any special celebrations in your town? )

...and we joined this project greeting the world on Eid Day!
here is the link to our video featured with five stars on the ePals website:

Thank You Ms. Elizabeth Fish for always appreciating our work...your feedback is valuable to us!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

PS...we created this video last year on Eid Al- Adha...some combinations of three videos on that special day.