Dec 18, 2009

My Favorite Place To Visit Project: Makassed Al- Marj School, Bekaa

Together with second graders at Makassed Al- Marj School

After our first visit to Makassed Al- Marj School in Bekaa on National Tree Day, we feel privileged to be able to share a new project about our favorite places to visit in our country along with Bal Bharati Public School in India. The pleasure of planting together hand- in- hand in Bekaa opens the door to making new Makassediyeen friends. Second graders shared their drawings and wrote about what makes these places special. We'll also share our activity with you next week followed with discussion and a class survey about the most beautiful wonders and cities in Lebanon.
Thank you Mr Adel Bahlawan, Mr Jamal Farhat and Mr Assad for sharing....a new beginning with the New Hijri Year...wishing you all the best!

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