Dec 9, 2009

A Letter To Mohammad from Our Friend Micheline

From: Micheline-Albert Tawil Tramp


To : Mohammad Darwiche

Makassed Khalil Shehab School

C/O: Mrs. Rawya Shatila

Very Dear Mohammad,

I am writing you the present letter with great enthusiasm, in order to congratulate you, You that made the name of Our Dear Country Lebanon shine up in the world!

The largest fair-and-conference center in Copenhagen is the Bella Center just outside of Copenhagen. The Copenhagen Climate Conference 2009 will display the video of a great dignity, Mohammad Darwiche: The Gallant Pageant of Lebanon!

This Is A Reason For Pride

I wish to thank you, your parents and especially your Great Teacher, Mrs. Rawya Shatila, for the tremendous and notable achievement.

Will you, Mohammad, be one day the one to contribute to the climate change?

Bless you Son!

Warmest regards,

Micheline-Albert Tawil Tramp


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