Feb 27, 2010

New Friends From Malaysia

These are pictures of my students(SENA Cyberkids Club) at Sekolah Kebangsaan Sena. From left-front Mira,Amirah, left-back Muaz,Danish,Akif,Izzah,Dayana & Ameer from class 3 Musytari.
From left-front...Hafizuddin,Marha Marini & Azim
from left-back..Syafiqah,Irdina,Izzat,Bibi Mirsya,Farah Insyirah & Izzah from class 5 Elit.This group is involved in creating e-magazine for SENA Cyberkids Club 2010.

Regards from Malaysia
Ms. Muainah Ismail

We're so excited to have new friends from Malyasia and would like to know more about your country, your traditions and customs. We're looking forward to collaborate with you and have great time together.
Best Regards from Lebanon

Feb 26, 2010

نحبّك يا رسول الله

أقامت إدارة مدرستا خليل شهاب و عثمان ذي النّورين إحتفالا دينيا بمناسبة عيد المولد النّبوي الشّريف تحت عنوان (نحبّك يا رسول الله)..وذلك بحضور رئيس جمعيّة المقاصد المهندس أمين الدّاعوق و السّيدة منى الجزائري و الدّكتور كامل الدلال و موجه العلوم الدينية الاستاذ خالد عيتاني و حشد من المدعويين من موجهين و موظفين في مديريّة الشؤون التّربويّة وأهالي التّلامذة ..

و قد استهل الإحتفال بتلاوة عطرة من القرآن الكريم ..تبع ذلك أحاديث دينيّة جاءت على لسان النّبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم وأناشيد بصوت تلامذة الرّوضة و مشهد تمثيلي بعنوان (فداؤك يا رسول الله)...أردفه تلامذة الصّف الخامس بأقوال المفكرين الأجانب عن الرسول العظيم ..ثم عرض فيلم عن إرهاصات النّبوة أعدته السّيدة رندة العنزاوي ..وآخر عن احتفالات العالم في عيد المولد النبوي الشريف أعدته السّيدة راوية شاتيلا...وختام الاحتفال كان مع كورال المدرسة و الاستاذ يحي المعوش و باقة عطرة من الأناشيد التي جاءت من وحي المناسبة ...تلاه أخيرا توزيع الهدايا على التّلامذة
المميزين احتفاء بالمناسبة الكريمة
Thank you Mrs. Jancet

Feb 25, 2010

Mawlid Around The World

Special thanks to Mr. Sadiq M. Alam...

Feb 24, 2010

Hasbi Rabbi


(محمد يا سيد الأنبياء (ص

Special thanks to Mr Yahya Moashi

Word Activities

Feb 23, 2010

Tomas Rivera's Biography

After reading the biography of Tomas Rivera, we worked together and arranged the story picture cards in order. Then, we completed the sequence chart to help us retell the story and discuss the major points of Tomas' life. Finally, we presented the biography using photostory.

Feb 22, 2010

Shadow Puppet Theater

Shadow puppets are easy to make and are one of the most fun ways to bring a story to life in a performance. We made our own puppet theater out of cardboard box and put our characters in front of an illuminated backdrop to create an illusion of moving images...and we tried to make it work!!! So now, on with the show!

Feb 20, 2010

To Our Beloved Prophet (PBUH)

We, first and second graders, are celebrating Prophet's Day in a special way this week. We read about what our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to do and we are trying to follow his steps in his deeds and sayings because he's our messenger and we do love him.
May the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) guide us in all what we do.
Happy Prophet's Day to you!

Feb 18, 2010

Happy Birthday Mr. Parisi

Today we got a letter and photos from a friend abroad in USA while we were at school.
Mr. John Parisi, we're so excited to receive your first letter on your birthday. Here are our hand- made birthday cards for you. We decorated them especially for you. May the year ahead be filled with love, joy, abundance, and all the good things you want of life.
We're looking forward to reading your stories...

From Maha to Habib In Germany

Feb 13, 2010

Clovers Newsletter

Dear parents and friends,

Here is the link to issue 9 of our school newsletter.
Hope you enjoy reading it!

Sharing is caring :)

Mrs.Ghina Al- Badawi Hafez

A Message From A New Friend, Mr. John Parisi

Dear Ms. Rawya:
To introduce myself, my name is John, and I live in America. I am eighty years old, retired from the Post Office and now would like to write to someone in a foreign country like Lebanon. Lebanon is a very interesting country to learn about. Now that I am retired I can pursue what interest me the most, and that is to write to someone in another country, and to learn their customs etc..
I have much experience with six to eight year olds. Sometimes I go to our school and tell stories to the children. I don't have a picture to send you by computer. If I have the name of the school and the address I would like to write and put pictures in the mail. It is wonderful that you are teaching the children English.Tell your students hello for me, hello, from someone far away. I would like to hear from you.
Sincerely yours,
John Parisi

A Postcard from The Children's Creative Learning Center In USA

We're so excited to have received a beautiful postcard in the mail all the way from our friends at Roosevelt Elementary School in California, USA.

Thank you so much. We're looking forward to receiving your second postcard as you promised.

Our best wishes to you all!

Feb 10, 2010

Letters To Our Friends In Maine, USA

can't wait to hear from you...

Feb 9, 2010

Letters To Our Friends At Mid Calder Primary, UK

Ms. Gordon, thank you...we are developing real- life writing and social experience with you.
We'd love to hear from you.

Feb 8, 2010

Best Out Of Waste: Indian Heights School

Ms. Meenal Katre, headteacher of Indian Heights School

The Indian Heights School motivates children to do art work out of waste materials and our new friends really turned trash into the most marvelous art pieces.

Thank you Ms. Meenal Katre for showing us new ways in which "waste is not waste" and how beautiful artwork can be created!

Recycling Project: JNV Bhiwani, India

Papier mache work by our friends at JNV Bhiwani School for recycling the waste paper... They made beautiful things reusing and recycling papers.
Thank you Ms. Namita Verma for sharing your recycling project with us and hope you like ours, too.

Golden Book and Golden People

Our School Golden Book...
a book with no ending...

Makassed President, Mr. Amine Daouk

Mayor of Beirut, Mr. Al Ariss

Municipal Council of Beirut, Dr. Riad Alalayli

The Conqueror of the Highest Mountain in the World, Mr. Maxime Chaya

We're honored! Your words are not only written in our School Golden Book,
but also in our HEARTS!

Feb 5, 2010

Snowman Voicethread: Craig CO, USA

Many thanks Mrs. Arnett...Well Done for the work you have been doing. This is a fantastic use of Voicethread! We'll leave voice messages next week.

Feb 4, 2010

We Are Beautiful Butterflies!

Caterpillars in our Class

From Egg to Butterfly
We hope you enjoy watching this video as much as we enjoyed preparing it...

(click on one to make it bigger)
We wrote butterfly poems, decorated them, and watched them flying around...and it was so lovely to make our own bookmarks of the butterfly life cycle!

Hearts singing and dancing with joy!


Special THANK YOU to Ms. Elizabeth Fish, Director ePals Global Community


Being chosen to receive this certificate is quite an honor!
Many thanks to "ePaLs", a website devoted to connect classrooms around the world...

Feb 3, 2010

Spelling Works!

Station "A"

Station "B"

Stations "C" and "D"

Since there are no rules as to when to use 'ie' or 'igh' to make a long 'i' sound, the best way is to do lots of word sorting and playing games which will allow us to see the words spelled correctly.
The boring spelling time is now lots of fun!

Feb 2, 2010

Scotland's National Poet, Robert Burns: Mid Calder Primary

Scots around the world celebrate January 25, Robert Burns' birthday, Scotland's National Poet who was born in 1759.
Robert Burns grew up poor, his father did his best to educate his bright and lively son even though not many years could be spent at school. Still, Burns was a reader and learnt not only the ins and outs of his own language, but English as well (and some French). Robert Burns' poetry revolves around country and town life, the life he knew. He published a book of his poems in 1786 and achieved an unexpected success!
Mrs Ghafoor, primary 4 has been working on 'Things Scottish' as Monday was the celebration of Robert Burns birthday.
Mrs Hendry's class has also posted a video to the work of P6B. They designed their very own mini haggis. The poem, Address to a Haggis, by Robert Burns is recited by Jack, P7B and the song A Man's a Man is sung by some primaries sevens.
Thank you Mrs. Ghafoor, Mrs Hendry, and Mrs. Wilma Gordon for sharing with us your slideshow and video and showing us the activities done at school with our friends. You made this day a very special day especially with your amazing research, presentation and the bright beautiful bulletin board display.