amazing!!!they look wonderful as they are all eyes at z hungry caterpillars...this is lifelong learning!
they were so excited to watch the caterpillars transform into beautiful butterflies...
easyyou just follow the leaderamine
They rrrrrrrrrrrrr happy . meeting their curiosity . Discovery gives them joy beydoun
Amazing!!!!Wow "Miss Rawya" your students wereso astonished "Miss samar almasri"
this practice mke ali interesting. by the way,ali searches to bring new information about about caterpillars.thanks mrs.rawyaali bissani's mom
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they look wonderful as they are all eyes at z hungry caterpillars...
this is lifelong learning!
they were so excited to watch the caterpillars transform into beautiful butterflies...
you just follow the leader
They rrrrrrrrrrrrr happy . meeting their curiosity . Discovery gives them joy ...
arab beydoun
Wow "Miss Rawya" your students were
so astonished
"Miss samar almasri"
this practice mke ali interesting. by the way,ali searches to bring new information about about caterpillars.thanks mrs.rawya
ali bissani's mom
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