Jun 17, 2011

تحية الوداع الى الحبيبة سحـــــر

تحية الوداع الى الحبيبة سحـــــر
تلميذة المقـــــاصد في مدرسة الصويري

انطفأ نور عيونها بأمر من الله تعالى تبارك اسمه
بعد احتفالات الفرح التي شاركت بها الحبيبة سحر
بأجمل ابتساماتها ودقتها بالأداء

اسكنك الله فسيح جناته يا سحر
ستبقي في قلوب رفاقك والأسرة المقاصدية
عظّم الله تعالى أجر أهلك ومحبيك ومقاصدك

 رئيس جمعية المقاصد الأستاذ أمين الداعوق

 Sahar...was celebrating ENO Tree Planting Day with us yesterday...and today she passed away leaving the baby olive tree she planted for her friends to take care of...may God bless her pure soul and give strength to her family.


amine daouk said...

Thank you Rawya for this small clip, it is a reminder of this happy part of the day that ended with deep sorrow and sadness. Our faith in God leads us to accept Sahar's death with submission to His wisdom, just as He had blessed Sahar's Mom and Dad. They had declined all claims against the driver who accidentally killed their child in their submission to God's Will !!!

God bless these two faithful people and give them the strength to overcome their sorrow in Your trust.

God save our children. God lead us in Your wisdom to ultimate faith inYou

Anonymous said...

ان لله وان اليه راجعون............
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