Mar 1, 2015

Flat Matt Adventures in Lebanon

Second graders took their new friend Flat Matt with them on a trip or even home and recorded these adventures in their journal. They took pictures of their Matt to share them with you and their friends from around the world. Check out these photos... of some of the sights Flat Matt saw and adventures he had...

Feb 17, 2015

Our Stickman Comes to Life

A "STICKMAN" comes to life in our class!!!
Second graders drew a stickman and watched him come to life in an interactive stickman adventures. They followed instructions about what to draw and the stickman used their drawings in his adventures.
Here is the second graders' stickman:

Feb 12, 2015

Five Little Snowmen with Flat Matt

This 5 Little Snowmen craft is such an easy, quick and fun craft to do, especially on a cold day- like today! Second graders enjoyed drawing the snowmen’s hats, faces, scarves, and buttons on gloves.Then they placed a snowman puppet on each finger, and tried singing the Five Little Snowmen action rhyme with Flat

Feb 7, 2015

Flat Matt and "My Sweater Is Yours" Campaign

Second graders joined in "My Sweater Is Yours" Campaign organized by the Makassed Volunteers that aims at giving aid to the Syrian refugees in Lebanon who are suffering from the cold weather this winter. Thousands of refugees are struggling to stay warm and protect their shelters. Flat Matt was there too... and helped in this humanitarian work.


Feb 5, 2015

Global School Play Day 2015

Global School Play Day 2015
A Day of Promoting the Importance of Regular Play for The Best Development of Children... Educators registered are now over 600 and closing in on 60K kids...
On February 4, 2015, is the launch of the first annual Global School Play Day for students in schools around the world, grades Pre-K to 8.

Jan 19, 2015

If I Lived In A Snow Globe...

"If I lived in a snow globe, I would..."
Second graders were asked to imagine life in a snow globe.
We brainstormed what life would be like in a snow globe, what we would do, what it would look like, who would be with us and how we got into a snow globe! Then they described it in a writing piece.
Watch the video of our activity.

Jan 12, 2015

Snapshots of Winter Break

Second graders wrote about their Winter Break. First, they drew a picture for each snapshot and then wrote a sentence telling about their picture.