A new year is a great time to try new things and end bad habits. Second
graders had a class discussion about resolutions, setting goals, and
then working towards them. They created New Year's Resolution Foldable: 2015: 2: things I'd like to learn this year 0: something I will try to stop doing this year 1: thing I could do to make my school a better place 5: books I'd like to read this year ·
Writing a Book Report... After reading the story "Henry and Mudge",
second graders wrote a book report " A Jewel of a Book". They made
charming bracelets book report. Each illustrated bracelet charm captured
the characters, setting, and an event in the plot.
Celebrating the memory of 2014... It's that time of the year
again... time to look back and reflect on our favorite moments of 2014.
Second graders created a Memory Wheel. Using the Memory Wheel template
divided into five sections, they brainstormed their favorite memories
from 2014 and drew pictures to represent them.Then they added label
"My Heart Map"
Don't know where to start??? Just write from the HEART!!!
Second graders created "Heart Maps". They filled their hearts with
people, places and memories that are most important to them and kept
them in their journals so they can refer back to them when they’re stuck
about what to write...