Jun 24, 2011

Happy Graduation!

special "Thank You" to Mr. Mohamad Machnouk for taking these beautiful photographs and capturing memorable moments

Jun 17, 2011

ENO Tree Planting Day 2011: Interactive Video on Youtube

click on the pictures and watch the videos...click on the home icon to return to the main video page

a 3D view of ENO Tree Planting Day at Makassed Al-Marj School in Bekaa

Join Hands Project Song: Colorado, USA

our Colorado friends with Mr. John Farrel

تحية الوداع الى الحبيبة سحـــــر

تحية الوداع الى الحبيبة سحـــــر
تلميذة المقـــــاصد في مدرسة الصويري

انطفأ نور عيونها بأمر من الله تعالى تبارك اسمه
بعد احتفالات الفرح التي شاركت بها الحبيبة سحر
بأجمل ابتساماتها ودقتها بالأداء

اسكنك الله فسيح جناته يا سحر
ستبقي في قلوب رفاقك والأسرة المقاصدية
عظّم الله تعالى أجر أهلك ومحبيك ومقاصدك

 رئيس جمعية المقاصد الأستاذ أمين الداعوق

 Sahar...was celebrating ENO Tree Planting Day with us yesterday...and today she passed away leaving the baby olive tree she planted for her friends to take care of...may God bless her pure soul and give strength to her family.

Jun 16, 2011

Join Hands Project Song

Join Hands Project Song with Colorado, New York, Australia, New Hampshire, Scotland, South Africa, Zambia, and Serbia....it's not only "Join Hands" project, it's "JOIN HANDS AND HEARTS"
"It's the Little Things" song by Mr. John Farrel 

Jun 12, 2011

Grandparents are Special Gifts

Oh Grandma, Grandpa...I LOVE YOU!

Why I Love My Grandma :)

We smile at the most beautiful childhood memories of our grandparents...moments that we never want to forget!!!

"Grandparents make the world ... a little softer, a little kinder, a little warmer."

Jun 11, 2011

Frog and Toad Together : Promethean Planet

"Frog and Toad Together" Flipchart

Top 10 Downloads on Promethean Planet Website

Here is the link to the Flipchart:
Frog and Toad Together : Promethean Planet

Jun 7, 2011

Why I Love Makassed

Our Makassed Association Logo

Today we had an interesting activity in our class! We had brilliant ideas through brainstorming our "Makassed Logo" because the concept was so intimate to us. Then we used the words that we came up with to discuss what our Makassed Association means to us and the details of the motto especially the Quran verse:
وقل ربي زدني علماً
which means "Lord, increase me in knowledge" and this increase should continue forever...so we have to cherish more and more learning.

After that we we drew the logo and each one of us gave his own caption.
We wish our Makassed another great and fulfilling year ahead!

Jun 6, 2011

World Environment Day: A Shared Story With Hatton Vale State School, Australia

June 5 is "World Environment Day." This day was instituted by the United Nations to stimulated worldwide awareness of the environment. A day to promote caring for our planet, Earth. World Environment Day is celebrated around the world with street rallies, bicycle parades, green concerts, essay and poster competitions in schools, tree planting, recycling efforts, clean-up campaigns and much more. 
We, second graders, have celebrated  this day through a collaborative project with our friends at Hatton Vale State School in Queensland, Australia. We decided to write a story together, so we took turns with each class writing a part alternate weeks. It was a new experience and the excitement grew as we eagerly awaited the moment that we could all read our Aussie friends' parts. 
Special Thank You to Ms. Amanda! 

Although individual decisions may seem small in the face of global threats and trends, when billions of people join forces in common purpose, we can make a tremendous difference.” 

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon

Jun 1, 2011

The Lucky Envelope

A golden envelope fell through the letter box. On the front it said. "YOU'VE WON!" But what have we won??? Watch the video to find out and then take our online quiz that we have created on "Quibblo". After that submit your answers and click for result