Dec 6, 2011

Celebrating Together: England

First graders at Berkeley Infant School in Lincolnshire, England, have joined our "Happy Days For You And Me" wiki. They have added pictures of the Christmas Tree and a very beautiful Christmas Display. Watch the video and enjoy listening to our friends singing, "Rudolph has a Cold."
Special Thank You to Mrs. Sarah Shepperson...We would like to welcome you to our wiki.
Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!
"Happy Days for You and Me" wiki

Dec 2, 2011

Things We Do As We Start School: North Carolina, USA

Our friends at Summit Charter School in North Carolina, USA sent us a message telling us about things they do as they start school:
- school supplies
- packing backpacks
- getting ready for school
- school day
Here is the message:

"Dear 1st Grade Class, 
Hello! We are Mrs. Hughes' 1st Grade Tech class at Summit Charter School in North Carolina, USA.  We are excited to be ePals with you this year.  For our first correspondence we worked on drawing pictures in paint and then we put them in a powerpoint so you could see "What we do to get ready for school".   
We started school in August.  Before school starts we have Book Day which is when we bring in all of our supplies and get our books.  We have to bring in things like tissues, wipes, folders, and other supplies. 
Once we start school we have things that we have to do to get ready for dress in dress code.  We have to wear shirts in white, green, navy, or yellow and our bottoms have to be khaki or navy.   
We also have to pack our backpacks with things for our books, learning logs and green folders.  Our learning log is where the teacher puts things that we need at home and our parents have to sign it every night. 
We have to pack our lunches to bring to school because we do not have a cafeteria at school.  We also bring a snack and a water bottle every day. 
Then we have to drive to school with our parents because we do not have buses to pick us up like other schools in the USA. 
We look forward to hearing from you! 
Talk to you soon! 
Mrs. Hughes' 1st Grade Tech Class"
Thank you Mrs. Hughes for sharing the power point presentation with us...we will also share how we get ready for school with you soon.

Nov 29, 2011

Beirut Marathon 2011

if you want to win a a mile,
if you want to experience a marathon!

Take your cause to the streeet...and run!
"CFU" Cancer Fund Unit

we are so excited to share our marathon adventure with you...

for most the challenge is to finish...
for 'us' it was about pushing our boundaries...

The Beirut Marathon Association (BMA) is a non-profit non-governmental organization registered under the Ministry of Youth and Sports whose vision is to become the leading running expert organization in the Middle East. Its races have become by far the biggest and most popular sports events in Lebanon. Attendance and participation in the Beirut Marathon races continue to grow annually, and they command the attention of national and international media.
to know more about Beirut Marathon Association visit:

Nov 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving: Colorado, USA

Thanksgiving is celebrated in the United States on the fourth Thursday of November. It is a celebration to give thanks to the harvest. Here is the story of Thanksgiving told by first grade students at Sunset Elementary School in Craig, Colorado, USA:

Happy Thanksgiving to our friends in Colorado :) We are grateful for wonderful friends you!
Mrs. Cheryl Arnett...enjoy this very special day!

Happy Days for You and Me: Thanksgiving wiki page

Makassed Celebrations: Independence Day

Nov 23, 2011

Outside My Classroom Windows: Norway

Hello to everyone! We are a class of 11 year olds in Norway and have done these pencil sketches for all to see.  We hope you find them interesting!
How are our views the same as yours? How are our views different to yours?

Click here to view our drawings on Flickr.

Special thanks to Stephanie Betteridge and to our new Norwegian friends from the International School Telemark in Norway ....absolutely creative pencil drawing artwork!

Nov 21, 2011

Makassed Independence Race For Saeb Salam Awards

A traditional function in Makassed celebrating the Independence Day on the 22nd of November is to have a running competition for the secondary students and art competition for the elementary students to win the cups of the late Saeb Salam one of the prominent leaders in Lebanon struggling for independence. The running competition started yesterday at his statue and ended at the Salam's residence in Mousaitbeh where the president of Makassed, Mr. Amine Daouk, and the participants were met by the MP of Beirut, Mr. Tammam Salam... 

photos by Mr. Mohamad Machnouk

Nov 19, 2011

Happy Days for You and Me

"Happy Days for You and Me" is a new wiki to share our happy days and celebrations with the world around us...
"The time to be happy :) is in school with the world's greatest kids!" as Mrs. Cheryl Arnett said.
It's always HAPPY TIMES with First Graders at Sunset Elementary School...thank you, Cheryl Arnett for joining the wiki...your kids' video adds happiness to our hearts...
"Happiness happens when our hearts combine"...this is what the wiki is about...
You'e more than welcome to join can visit our wiki HERE

Sep 16, 2011

A Whole New World

our collaborative projects in a video
It's just a whole new world...that's where we'll be!
A thrilling chase...a wondrous place...

Aug 31, 2011

We Pledged to Take Our School Global

We pledged to take one action this year (and we hope many) to connect our school with learners in another part of the world. Click here to take the pledge:

We'd also like you to take a few minutes and see our classroom as it is featured in the "We Are ePals" video (Students Speak) on the pledge page! We and together with our ePals friends did a great job!

Jul 20, 2011

We Are "ONE" Makassed Family

We are one you and I
We are like the earth and sky
One family under the sun

Jul 18, 2011

Peace Forest: An Online Book by ENO Students

    "Peace Forest" is an online book about environment and peace. This new book will be online and available for everybody interested. It will be published 16th of September 2011, in the ENO Conference in Finland. "Peace Forest" will be also given to world leaders in the UN General Summit, 21st of September, also known as The International Day For Peace.

Second Graders were so excited to share their "Peace Forest" story with their ENO friends.

365 stories or tales by ENO kids around the world...
The idea is that each day a new story appear on the main page of the site.

Jul 15, 2011

We Are The World

 Mr. Yahya Moache, the music teacher,
 who shares his love of music and songs

School Chorus

We are all a part of
God's great big family
And the truth, you know love is all we need!

Jul 11, 2011

Greetings From The World

 We have created our "Glogs" about our city and shared them on "Greetings From The World" wiki. This gave us the chance to travel around the world with creative glogs.
Mrs. Blazik, it's a pleasure to share our glogs with friends from the 5 wonder this wiki was the best educational wiki in 2010! Congratulations! 
Here is our page on the wiki: Glogs about Lebanon

Jun 24, 2011

Happy Graduation!

special "Thank You" to Mr. Mohamad Machnouk for taking these beautiful photographs and capturing memorable moments

Jun 17, 2011

ENO Tree Planting Day 2011: Interactive Video on Youtube

click on the pictures and watch the on the home icon to return to the main video page

a 3D view of ENO Tree Planting Day at Makassed Al-Marj School in Bekaa

Join Hands Project Song: Colorado, USA

our Colorado friends with Mr. John Farrel

تحية الوداع الى الحبيبة سحـــــر

تحية الوداع الى الحبيبة سحـــــر
تلميذة المقـــــاصد في مدرسة الصويري

انطفأ نور عيونها بأمر من الله تعالى تبارك اسمه
بعد احتفالات الفرح التي شاركت بها الحبيبة سحر
بأجمل ابتساماتها ودقتها بالأداء

اسكنك الله فسيح جناته يا سحر
ستبقي في قلوب رفاقك والأسرة المقاصدية
عظّم الله تعالى أجر أهلك ومحبيك ومقاصدك

 رئيس جمعية المقاصد الأستاذ أمين الداعوق

 Sahar...was celebrating ENO Tree Planting Day with us yesterday...and today she passed away leaving the baby olive tree she planted for her friends to take care of...may God bless her pure soul and give strength to her family.

Jun 16, 2011

Join Hands Project Song

Join Hands Project Song with Colorado, New York, Australia, New Hampshire, Scotland, South Africa, Zambia, and's not only "Join Hands" project, it's "JOIN HANDS AND HEARTS"
"It's the Little Things" song by Mr. John Farrel 

Jun 12, 2011

Grandparents are Special Gifts

Oh Grandma, Grandpa...I LOVE YOU!

Why I Love My Grandma :)

We smile at the most beautiful childhood memories of our grandparents...moments that we never want to forget!!!

"Grandparents make the world ... a little softer, a little kinder, a little warmer."

Jun 11, 2011

Frog and Toad Together : Promethean Planet

"Frog and Toad Together" Flipchart

Top 10 Downloads on Promethean Planet Website

Here is the link to the Flipchart:
Frog and Toad Together : Promethean Planet

Jun 7, 2011

Why I Love Makassed

Our Makassed Association Logo

Today we had an interesting activity in our class! We had brilliant ideas through brainstorming our "Makassed Logo" because the concept was so intimate to us. Then we used the words that we came up with to discuss what our Makassed Association means to us and the details of the motto especially the Quran verse:
وقل ربي زدني علماً
which means "Lord, increase me in knowledge" and this increase should continue we have to cherish more and more learning.

After that we we drew the logo and each one of us gave his own caption.
We wish our Makassed another great and fulfilling year ahead!

Jun 6, 2011

World Environment Day: A Shared Story With Hatton Vale State School, Australia

June 5 is "World Environment Day." This day was instituted by the United Nations to stimulated worldwide awareness of the environment. A day to promote caring for our planet, Earth. World Environment Day is celebrated around the world with street rallies, bicycle parades, green concerts, essay and poster competitions in schools, tree planting, recycling efforts, clean-up campaigns and much more. 
We, second graders, have celebrated  this day through a collaborative project with our friends at Hatton Vale State School in Queensland, Australia. We decided to write a story together, so we took turns with each class writing a part alternate weeks. It was a new experience and the excitement grew as we eagerly awaited the moment that we could all read our Aussie friends' parts. 
Special Thank You to Ms. Amanda! 

Although individual decisions may seem small in the face of global threats and trends, when billions of people join forces in common purpose, we can make a tremendous difference.” 

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon

Jun 1, 2011

The Lucky Envelope

A golden envelope fell through the letter box. On the front it said. "YOU'VE WON!" But what have we won??? Watch the video to find out and then take our online quiz that we have created on "Quibblo". After that submit your answers and click for result

May 26, 2011

Welcoming Nottingham City Council Representatives: PPT

It's a pleasure to welcome you to our school! Thank You

May 21, 2011

Reflections On The Lunch Box Project

It was really enjoyable to take part of a big project and learn new things from other countries. We have learned how the weather affects our food habits and life style and how eating healthy food helps us concentrate and learn better....and the best thing about this project, of course, that we have collaborated with lovely friends. 
We thank our friends in Australia, USA,  United Kingdom, Portugal, Canada, France, Mexico, Jordan, and Tajikistan for sharing.  As the school year draws to a close, we want to let you know how much we treasure your friendship! 
Special Thank You to Ms. Jess McCulloch from Melbourne, Australia. You're so special!

May 20, 2011

Our Interactive Reading Video on Youtube

Because of the importance of self-assessment to critical thinking and because it helps us reflect on what we're learning, we're going to watch our videos and try to judge how well we read using a certain criteria. 

Here is our interactive video on on our pictures to watch us read "Night Flight".

watching and evaluating our reading